Pain and Addiction

This post comes at a strange transitional time in my life, and I've had in mind to share it for quite some time. It's not a pleasant subject and it's quite personal, yet I don't think I've ever shared something here that wasn't deeply personal and close to my heart. S haring this with you won't be any different. In recent years, I've had some very thought provoking, harsh and difficult interactions with addicts and recovering addicts, and it forced me to take a serious look into addiction and my connection to it. As I write this, I'm reminded of something a recovering addict told me a few years ago. We are all addicts. We are all susceptible to addiction of one kind or another, it doesn't have to be to a substance or something tangible. It is like almost any habit, a means to an end, a feeling created, an escape, a masking of something much deeper than what we allow ourselves to realize. "We are all addicts." A random ...