
Showing posts from September, 2016

Diaspora Diaries Vol. 2 A look back in time.

This past August, I was preparing to leave for my annual trip to Athens. It's a trip I plan, anticipate, and long for all year. Yet again as I packed my suitcases and planned my travels, I was reminded of the fact that I too, like many of my fellow Greek friends am part of a modern diaspora. " I'm not quite Greek, and not fully American." We have chosen or were forced to leave. We could have stayed, we weren't escaping war, or famine, or relentless poverty, yet we took a risk and we traveled. We left our homes, our families, our friends. We detached from the comfortable and familiar and journeyed to places that would provide a more stable future, and a different if not always a better life. We went to where the opportunities were, and in most cases with no clear vision of our future. I left because It's something I've always done, I've lived my whole life between Greece and America.    My existence has been about living in two worlds, with tw...