At 35 and stilll here......

This past week I celebrated my 35th birthday in New York City with a group of lovely friends old and new spanning 13 years of living and going back and forth between Greece and the United States. There was a moment of realization that I've come back to where this life of living and being in two places started. I spent my first New York birthday with some of those same friends 13 years ago at a small underground bar in the Village where we all were a little younger and more eager to face life and its strange twists and turns.... but
here we are and still enjoying every moment wherever we might be. And now that we are all here smiling and enjoying each moment as it comes, I raise my glass to my fellow travelers. Cheers and thank you for one of the best birthdays one could ever ask for. 

Ευχαριστώ πολύ όλους τους φίλους μου... μακρινούς και κοντινούς που μου έστειλαν την αγάπη τους και την ενέργεια τους... και στα επόμενα 35 εδώ θα είμαστε. :) 


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