Hot town Summer in the City

The New York Summer its a mystery, a great story, the stuff made of legends,  and a humid hot smelly sticky mess, and I'm here for it all. I have been here for most of July much like last year, but this year I will be taking it all in and enjoying every moment and every event that the Big Apple has to offer. Open air concerts, walks in the park, free Shakespeare plays in lovely cool afternoons,  amazing sunsets, beautiful people dressed to impress, going to bars and restaurants and pure summer madness NYC style. No its no Mediterranean island but here I am for the first time in many years,  and sharing it with some great new and old friends.

My new neighborhood, in the East Village is a vibrant party after 6pm on most days but on the weekends its overflowing with energy. Bars, restaurants, hot summer days, and breezy evenings with open air movie nights at the park. Streets are overflowing with people every weekend enjoying their break with a cocktail or two and some of the most diverse interesting spots are located just steps from my apartment. Mind you I go to bed at 10pm most nights but every now and then the clock is put to rest and I let the city guide me through it's little secrets. 

The lower east side is also a neighborhood that I recently lived in and it can give the tightly packed streets of Mykonos a run for it's money with amazing restaurants funky bars and, of course super loud drunk guys and gals till 3-4 in the morning! But it's all a stage and the city that never sleeps surely wakes up in the summer streets. Here's to you New York City, your a hot town in the summer and I'm here to live through it all. Here is my musical dedication to you :)


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