Its a gift

It's almost unimaginable... another year in NYC. Closing this chapter has been a web of many tales. Stories of joy and laughter, sorrow, and devastation mixed with endless blessings and friendship.  Greece is going through its worst times in recent history, many friends are battling with uncertainty, fear of the unknown, instability, and poverty. Others with new families, the new generation being brought to the world, with its so many joys and so many problems. I think of  them and wish them well and applaud their courage to keep going.

I can't say that I've not had my share of doubts. So many thoughts of : Why did I leave should I go back, am I a quitter, or should I should stay here in New York, and make a life for myself?... are continuously moving through my mind. I often catch myself thinking about what that means, where my heart belongs, and I always come to the conclusion that wherever I may be,  it will always belong in Greece no matter what. Friendships and bonds have become stronger,  despite the greatest distances. Mentally here, and there split in two like my life has always been, my allegiance to two lands, two cultures two homes more present than ever and now in the eve of this new year a wish for a moment to embrace all of those that I dearly love and cherish. Its impossible I know, but in my mind I am there next to all of you friends here, there, everywhere. 

Here in NYC I have found a nest, a home which I've been able to make my own over this past year with personal touches, tokens of friendship, talismans of good luck, and moments from the past and present coming together.

This has been a good year filled with music, food, loved ones, laughter till my guts hurt, tears that felt like daggers, joy beyond imagination and loneliness. I got to meet my dearest and closest friends after nearly 3 years apart, I finally sat inside the radio station that I had been listening to for the past 16 years and met the crew that makes my life worth living through music. I ate the most beautiful meals with dear friends, drank cocktails in world renowned bars and walked on my favorite beach in Mykonos with just the sun and sea as my companions and got to teach yoga to some amazing students in Paros. Nothing grand or accomplished yet all that is part of how wonderful these gifts are. 

I wish those far and those near and close to my heart a new year that is filled with all that you may need want and desire,  with no exceptions or substitutions. May we be healthy and able to meet again, to travel through this wonderful journey together. I'll see you around I'm sure... and keep on reading.

Αδιανόητο πως πέρασε ο χρόνος, και βρισκόμαστε στο τέλος μιας υπέροχης παράστασης. Ήταν γεμάτη αυτή η χρονιά με απερίγραπτη χαρά, όμορφα ταξίδια, ολονύχτιες κουβέντες με νέους και παλιούς φίλους, δάκρυα χαράς και λύπης και πάνω απ' όλα πολύ αγάπη. Είμαι πάντα χωρισμένη σε δύο μέρη, δύο χώρες, δύο αγάπες για τις πόλεις που ζω, αλλά πάντα η καρδιά μου θα είναι στην Ελλάδα. (ναι ακούγεται βαρύ αλλά επιτρέψτε μου λίγη υπερβολή)

Καλή χρονιά καλή ανάγνωση και ευχαριστώ για την αγάπη και υποστήριξη που λαμβάνω με μικρούς και μεγάλους τρόπους.

A small picture book of the past year from January 2015 till December 2015 :) if I embarrass you my friends forgive me... you are most precious to me so I'm proud to share you with the world... till next year!


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