The springtime in Brooklyn moment

Hello dear readers,

It's been a little while since I've written. I've been preoccupied with my health and finally after two months of illness, tests, hospitals, inept doctors and a general feeling of not enjoying any of it, all is well. And then it happened... It was one of those days. That turning point where winter is finally over and the smells of spring are in the air. That moment where one can walk to the park and feel the sun warming the skin. Yes that moment where the layers come off and the barriers come down and nature is alive again. You know that moment has arrived because people come a little closer,  I'm not talking about the birds and the bees here folks, for those eager enough there is plenty out there.  I'm talking about that moment when this Mediterranean woman, so eager for some sun can feel at ease again. It has been a mild winter in comparison to other years, I can't complain, but no less brutal and cold down to the bone. 

The isolation of winter leaves big distances between people, loneliness, introversion. Mind you I did a lot to get out and explore this winter, events, outings, visitors from Greece for the first time since I've been here, two trips to the tropical Caribbean kept me going in the brutal winter months, and smaller escapes from the city changed my views, and perspective. Yet as I sit in my little balcony with my newly planted flowers, I feel content, that I can enjoy these quiet moments without having to escape to the tropics and spend a fortune on airfare. Just like the small leaves coming out, new, delicate and adorning all the trees in my neighborhood, I'm eager to make new beginnings, learn new things, meet new people and take a moment to reflect on what really matters. 

Escaping is easy, get on a plane, get in a car, and disappear. I've done that countless times and every time is like a rush of newness of adventure of leaving all your problems behind, but they are waiting for you when you get back eager to ruin your mood once more. 

So this past weekend I went to park, read my book in silence, closed my eyes and traveled while being still and let the moments be what they were, just moments. 

Happy Spring with a little tune that always leaves me with a smile.


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