A New York love story a moment in pictures….

I have had the opportunity to be out and about in New York a lot lately. Noticing the city again for all its strange and wonderful moments. I had been "absent" for a while and not really looking or observing the city for all that it had to offer. Yes its crazy and hectic and very hard and expensive and competitive and absolutely heart breaking some times to maintain a life here but for all its difficulties it has moments of calm, joy, and laughter. There are intriguing, interesting and kind people who have shared their stories with me embraced me in their lives and showed me their special New York hideouts. This past month in pictures exemplifies that for me, and it made me observe and understand why I came here in the first place…. so I will let the images speak for themselves. and the New York love story is a complicated one :)..... I am grateful to be here even through there are tough and confusing moments, there are also moments of pure joy and bliss. In the end it is a...