Newness and Re-flections for the new year

After the whirlwind of the new year I have had a lot to write about but almost no time to sit down and put to words succinct thoughts, and to share the last moments and impressions of the old year. Upon the threshold of the new year I made a pact, that I would write from the heart and that I would compose more interesting fun stories from my travels and my adventures here in New York. So much has happened so much has changed and a lot has remained the same…. 2013 was by no means easy it was a year of deep transformation, big decisions and great change. It has left me with much to think about in terms of choices, people and energy given and shared with those close and far away. In this past year, I have fought with demons and insecurities, I have dealt with devastating heart break, despair and loss, and I have gained deep, true, valuable friendships, loving moments with new friends and old, and a deeper understanding of the path that lies ahead. I have seen how it feels to allow for ...