
Showing posts from January, 2015

Yoga home…. Yoga Family and how to hold on to the positive

This post is long overdue.... and deserves to be written. New York can be an urban, frenetic mad house. It is in many ways not only the city that never sleeps but also the city that doesn't let you sleep! O ne of the places that makes it worthwhile, sane and at times calm, in comparison to the bustle of the concrete jungle,  is with out a doubt a certain urban oasis found at 430 Broome street as my yoga teacher so aptly put it the other day.... I came to New York as a nomad, a yogi traveler if you will, and on this journey found that there is a place I and many other yogis call home. There are countless yoga schools and yoga studios in New York…. in fact hundreds. One can find any type of yoga they want, need and desire. Anything from very spiritual practices to the most commercial state of the art latest yoga craze.  Yoga teachers of all traditions have their base here and anything from a very basic no frills yoga studio to a huge yoga palace chain offer tranquility, p...

The Modern Diaspora a series...episode 1.

Crossing the threshold into the New Year, I wanted to share more stories of some young, talented, and recently transplanted Greeks living, creating and thriving in New York. We all have a reason for being here, and we all have come from different backgrounds and situations. Some left because they had no choice,  some left to study and never went back, some left because their lives had come to a standstill in Greece, because of the financial crisis and they desperately needed a new vision.  We are here,  we've moved from our homes,  our comfort zone our familiar and our settled lives, and made new homes from the beginning. For those thinking that New York is the land of opportunity... well for some it may be for many not so much and its been a strange trip for all of us. We moved to this crazy glorious city, all of us have created a new chapter and a life here. This is our story. I will certainly start with mine soon as many don't know how I first came to New York...