New York reads and tunes--Subway Stories

Recently I boarded the train for work as I do every morning, and instead of burring my head in a book or listening to music, I made a point to observe my fellow train riders, and made a pact. Instead closing my self off like I usually do I would look at the people around me, see what they are doing and reading and listening to. My discovery was not surprising but what I did realize was that New Yorkers use the subway as an extension of their private spaces. New Yorkers tune out, log out, and block out each other especially on the train. ( at times its really not an option) The train commute lends itself one of three things: reading, listening to music and catching up on much needed sleep, (yes I've done all three) yet what always surprises me is what New Yorkers use the trains for on a daily basis. This personal/private/public space has always fascinated me from the first time I lived here back in 1999. Its a microcosm of the world outside and intimate moments in t...