It's all about Fall... in New York.

Alright I'll admit it I've fallen in love. No no, not that mad passionate uncontrollable teenage love affair but that romantic, intimate "grown up" love. My love is smooth, and delicate, it doesn't burn or tire but it allows me to be me. Let's talk about colours and leaves and crisp nights walking in the park and hues in the sky only a fairy tale could describe. Let's talk about fall: one of my favorite seasons on this beautiful part of the earth, but especially in New England. Yet I've found myself loving fall in New York more and more. Among the concrete tall buildings, and steel facades, peer sweet sounds and sweet aromas from the trees, as well as explosions of colour and light. Its been surprisingly warm this past month in the city yet the leaves are appearing and peppering the landscape with reds and oranges and yellows as far as the eye can see. I've been taking more and more runs in Prospect Park in Brooklyn, and Central Park in t...